In order to reduce the dropout rate and compensate the ‘deficiency of the intake calories’ among the school going children, a National Programme of nutritional support to primary education was started in August 15, 1995. GMSSSS Kairu has successfully implemented the scheme and right now, Food and Cooking Cost is being provided to each student of school.
GMSSSS Kairu ensures quality food distribution to all eligible students covering all norms. Mrs. Santosh and Mrs. Darshana are the Cook under Mid-Day Meals scheme. She ensures quality food preparation and distribution with the help of teachers on duty Mid Day Meal Distribution.

Proper Sitting arrangements is ensured everyday and clean utensils are provided to all students so that they can enjoy their fresh and nutritious meal everyday. Food is prepared under strict hygienic conditions and regular monitoring is being ensured by Principal and other Block and District Level Officials for smooth functioning of this scheme.

For More information For Mid Day Meal Data Click Here