Government Model Sanskriti Senior Secondary School, Kairu is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary School, New Delhi [Proposed]. It is a co-educational school with more than 350 students. It is located at 35 KM away from District Headquarter, Bhiwani.

School Information

Locate Kairu

School Website

School Website is Officially launched by Hon’ble Block Education Officer, Kairu Mr. Pawan Kumar in auspicious presence of Principal Mr. Dalbir Singh and all staff members of GMSSSS Kairu on 25th January 2021 at Multimedia Lab of the school.

Block Education Officer Kairu

School Website Committee

School Website designing work was carried by Mridultulika and Mr. Ajay Kumar [HES II] is authorized to co-ordinate for website development, designing & maintenance work. A School website committee was formed under the leadership of Mr. Dalbir Singh. Following are the members of the Committee.

Mr. Hawa Singh [SMC Head]

Mr. Ajay Kumar [HES II]

Mr. Devi Lal [HES II]